How to fix 404 not found page

Anyone using WordPress has seen some famous 404 errors in some parts of their site or knowledge base at least once. This is even more common when using plugins that add new post types to WordPress. Read more on common WordPress errors.
When using BasePress knowledge base you may encounter some errors for different reasons, let’s see how to fix common 404 errors:

  1. You haven’t selected the main page containing the shortcode in the General settings.
  2. You haven’t created any Knowledge Base yet. Even if you use it as ‘Single Knowledge Base mode’ you still need to create a Knowledge Base to function. Only the name is necessary in this case.
  3. You haven’t created any section yet.
  4. You haven’t selected any Knowledge Base or section for the articles.
  5. You have changed the slug of the page with the shortcode. In this case just go to BasePress Settings and just click ‘Save Settings’.
  6. You have changed the slug of a Knowledge Base. As above just go to BasePress Settings and just click ‘Save Settings’.

Even if none of the points mentioned above is true for your particular case, visiting the plugins settings and re-saving should be the first thing to do when you are trying to fix 404 errors in BasePress. If this doesn’t help you are welcome to open a support ticket.

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