The Search tab in the BasePress Settings page allows you to customize the search bar of your knowledge base.
- Use smart search suggestion: This enables or disables the search suggestions on the search bar. The performance is directly influenced by the server speed.
- Disable on touch devices smaller than: Allows you to specify the minimum screen height for the device in which the smart suggestions should be shown. Small devices don’t have enough vertical space to accommodate the suggestion modal, so in those cases it would be best to disable it. This option does that automatically according to the height you specify.
- Limit smart search suggestions: Sets the limit of how many suggestions to load in the search bar.
- Search field placeholder: This is the text that appears in the search bar field before the user inserts the search terms.
- Submit button text: This is the text that appears in the submit button.
- Show search submit button: Allows you to show or hide the submit button on the search bar. Without the button the user can still press enter to start searching.
- Search result page title: This is the title for the search page. You can use %number% to include the number of results in the sentence. For example: “%number% Search results found for:” or “There are %number% results for:”
- “No search results found” page title: This is the title that appears in the search results page if there were no results.
- “No search results found” message for Smart Search: Here you can set the text that will appear if there were no results for a live search from the search bar.
- Show all results text: This is the text that appears as a link in the search suggestion modal, for the user to see all the results. This behaves in the same way as when you press the submit button or press enter in the search bar. If this option is left empty a + sign would automatically be shown instead of the link.
- Load css on shortcode: Tells BasePress to load the css file outside the knowledge base. This happens when you add the search bar to another part of your website with the BasePress shortcode. You can choose not to load the css file, to reduce the number of resources used on your site. In this case you would need to add the styling of the search bar in your main theme’s css file.
- Use search parameter on URL: By default BasePress search uses the search base in the URL for searches like When you enable this option, search URLs will use the search parameter instead. The URL will look like this
- Exclude KB articles from other WordPress searches: Here you can choose to exclude your knowledge base articles from other WordPress searches in your website.
Read more about some of the awesome BasePress search features.