Under the Appearance tab in the BasePress Settings page you can personalize the look of your knowledge base. Prior to version 2.7.0 this tab was called “Aspect”.
- Theme: BasePress comes with some default themes although you can also create your own. You find a list of all the available themes in Appearance > Theme. If you create one or more custom themes for BasePress, you’ll find them listed in the Theme menu with the default ones. Follow these instructions to create your own theme or modify an existing one.You can change the theme you want to use at any time.
- Skip loading of header and footer: BasePress templates load the header and footer from your theme using the WordPress functions: get_header() and get_footer(). If your theme already loads the header and footer tick this option to prevent BasePress from loading them again.
- Default Side bar Position: Use this option to define the position of the sidebar. This will apply to all your pages except the articles. Articles have a dedicated option in their edit screen where it’s possible to select the sidebar position for each article.
- Force Sidebar position on Articles: Enable this option if you want all your articles to use the same sidebar position. When you enable this option the user won’t be able to select the sidebar position in the article’s edit screen.
- Knowledge Base “Choose” button text: When BasePress is used for multiple knowledge bases the entry page will list all the available KBs. Each KB has a button to select the one you want to consult. You can use this option to change the text in these buttons.
- “View all articles” link text: This is the text that appears under the list of articles in the section. Type the singular and plural form for “View all articles” separated by a vertical bar “|”.Use %number% to show the number of articles.Default: View %number% article | View all %number% articles.
- Knowledge Base columns: Allows you to choose the number of columns in the entry page for the list of your KBs. This applies ONLY if you use BasePress as a multiple knowledge base.
- Sections columns: Allows you to choose the number of columns in the section archive pages. BasePress uses this for both single and multiple knowledge base mode.
- Limit Articles Count on multi section page: Allows you to specify how many articles should be shown when you view the main sections page. BasePress will add, depending on the theme used, a ‘View all’ link to see all articles in each section.
- Limit Articles Count on single section page: Allows you to specify how many articles should be shown in each page of a section. A pagination link appears when there are more pages in order to easily navigate between them.
- Show Section Icons and Show Articles Icons: Lets you choose respectively if you want to display icons next to Sections and Articles on archive pages.This also influences the widget titles, depending on your theme.
- Show Articles count on Sections: Allows you to show or hide the post count next to the Section title on archive pages.
- Articles Order: Lets you choose how to order the articles in the sections. Options are: date ascending (default), date descending, alphabetical ascending, alphabetical descending. If you are using the Premium version you can also order the articles manually for each section. The manual order takes precedence and can be set/reset at any time from the BasePress > Articles Order page.
Please remember: All these options depend on the theme you’re using. BasePress comes with few themes which make use of all these options. If you want to make your own theme, you should follow the example of the pre-made ones. This will help you to keep all the options available.