In a multiple knowledge base, the entry page shows the list of available knowledge bases. Here the user can choose which KB he wants to consult.You can customize the multiple knowledge base entry page, by placing any text, images or other elements you may need to personalize this page.
Here’s an example of a multiple knowledge base entry page.
By default the list of KBs will appear under any content you’ve added to the entry page. On the other hand if you want the list of KBs to appear in a different position you can place this shortcode: (basepress) where you want the list to appear on your entry page.

If you are using the new WordPress editor you’ll find a KB block.You can choose to use this block instead of the shortcode to decide where you want the list of KBs to appear on the entry page.
At this point you can start creating your first knowledge base by navigating to Knowledge Base > Manage KBs. After you’ve created the first KB you can add sections and articles.
Please notice: Unless you have at least one knowledge base with a section and an article the entry page will remain empty. This is to avoid any empty sections appearing in your documentation.